Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Sheriff's Academy Graduates

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Jennie said...

I didn't get to go to their graduation, but they look awesome in their official uniforms.

Dave Pingel said...

What! Doc - the sheriff's deputy?! Now, Joe - I can believe. But Wendall? Wow.

Are they full time? Reserves? Sure like to hear how that came to pass.


Kathy said...

Wendell has always wanted to do something to serve in the military or law enforcement. Since our little community keeps growing, the need arose for an official presence. They took the 640 hour course going evenings and weekends for ten months in Mexico, MO. Now they are reserve for Shelby County and will help with some special needs along the way. They will also be part of a team to provide security here.Joseph took the course for college credit and plans to go ahead and get his criminal justice degree.
Thanks for asking :)